Cara Update Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 Ke Sp2 Orbital

My OS is : Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 32-bit.
after RUNNING 'IE10-Windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe' AS ADMINISTRATOR I get this message :
'Internet Explorer 10 can only be installed on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or higher.'.
Much thanks!
I suppose you have seen this Microsoft KB Article?

Kelebihan dari windows 7 SP1 adalah kekuranagn dari windows 7, dan kekurangan windows 7 SP1 adalah kelebihan dari wondws 7. Walaupun banyak fitur-fitur yang dihapus pada windows 7 Service Pack 1 ini, tapi windows 7 SP1 sangat direkomendasikan untuk komputer agan karena Windows 7 SP1 lebih ringan dijalankan daripada windows 7 biasa. Sama seperti cara diatas, kamu juga memerlukan license key valid untuk bisa mendownloadnya. Update: beberapa pengguna Windows 7 pre-installed melaporkan gagal melakukan download file ISO Windows 7 di halaman official tersebut, namun demikian untuk pengguna Windows 7 dengan lisensi retail bisa melakukan download dengan lancar.

Troubleshooting a failed installation of Internet Explorer 10
... if not, I highly recommend you running through it.
Probably want to start here:
How to obtain prerequisite updates for Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 SP1 that fail to install
... to make sure you have not just Windows 7 SP1 installed (as I believe you do given how many times you mentioned it as already being installed) but the five individual updates post-SP1 required for Internet Explorer 10 to be successfully installed on your system according to that Microsoft KB Article.
But the other troubleshooting might get you through it.

Cara Update Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 Ke Sp2 Orbital Download

As long as you have verified (visually**) you have Windows 7 SP1 installed - I would think the other things would be worthwhile looking into first as a service pack re-install is not something I would want to jump right into.
** Stolen from a web page from a random Google search... (Go go Internet!)
- check if Windows 7 SP1 is already installed, follow the below steps:
  1. Click the Start button , right-click Computer, and then click Properties.

  2. The basic information about your computer page will open

  3. If Service Pack 1 is listed under Windows edition, SP1 would be already installed on your computer.
    For example, in the below snapshot, you can see that Windows 7 SP1 is not installed, as the Windows edition is only Windows 7 Ultimate
    After Windows 7 SP1 is installed, it will be displayed as :

You can also check if SP1 is installed by using winver

  1. Click the Start button , and inside the Search programs and files textbox, type winverand then click on winver.exe

  2. The About Windows page will open.
    The below snapshot is for a Windows 7 without SP1
    whereas this one is for Windows 7 with SP1, as you can see its now Build 7601

Shenan Stanley
MVP 2005-2011 & 2013-2015
Insider MVP 2016-

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