Gator Boat Trailer Serial Number

  1. The VIN number on most smaller boat trailers ( 12-15 foot single axle trailers) Was on an aluminum foil type sticker, usually on the upright section of the trailer( the part that holds the winch and bow roller) on the left side.(drivers side of towing vehicle) If the trailer is more than 10 years old, it's probably not legable any more.
  2. Southwest Wheel's trailer parts division. To 7,000 lbs. Kodiak and Titan Trailer Axle Brake Parts.

Gator Boat Trailer Parts

Gator boat trailer serial number. Re: Gator boat trailer serial number i have a 1955-56 gator boat trailer and the serial number was on the right side all the way up on the outer rail before it turned in to go towards the middle of the trailer. Not formila with the older gators but it might be around there.

A request has been filed with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to title the following boat(s) or outboard motor(s) through the bonded title process for abandoned vessels and outboard motors. These items will be published for the time period listed (six months) before a title will be issued under the surety bond titling process, Section 31.0465 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 53, Subchapter F, Section 53.100 of the Texas Administrative Code.

To file a claim of ownership regarding any of the above referenced assets, call (512) 389-8420 or 1-800-262-8755 and fax documentation of ownership to (512) 389-4900, attention: Bonded Title Section. Before filing a claim, please note that any individual filing a claim of ownership must be prepared to assume the responsibility and cost to remove and relocate the boat or outboard motor within a reasonable time period.

This table scrolls and
Boat or MotorYearMakeBoat Length or Motor HPTX NumberSerial NumberDate PostedDate Eligible To Title
Boat1994STEALTH18' 0'TX-2730HDVVIUS638K3948/29/20192/29/2020
Boat1975PHANTOM15' 0'TX-5514YUPHB01449M75G8/29/20192/29/2020
Boat1996KENNER18' 5'TX-4936HPKENX01D3B6968/29/20192/29/2020
Boat1987BAYLINER17' 0'BJYJ46CRC7878/29/20192/29/2020
Boat1998KAWASAKI10' 2'TX-1956JAKAW05229A8988/29/20192/29/2020
Boat2009YAMAHA10' 7'TX-8626AYYAMA2715C9098/14/20192/14/2020
Motor1978MERCURY80 HPTX-8959AU48348998/14/20192/14/2020
Boat1992LOWE20' 0'TX-1789HROMCL104PG1928/14/20192/14/2020
Boat1988SKEETER18' 5'TX-3097EKSTEA2782F8888/7/20192/7/2020
Motor1985MARINER150 HPTX-3545BX66374968/7/20192/7/2020
Boat2015YAMAHA9' 5'TX-9409CNYDV70610J4158/7/20192/7/2020
Boat2008CATALINA14' 2'TX-3188APCPST0178K7088/7/20192/7/2020
Motor1982EVINRUDE70 HPTX-1155BMJ01213227/29/20191/29/2019
Motor1996Mercury40 HP0E3306467/29/20191/29/2019
Boat1988CATALINA21' 6'TX-4791DVCTYH4684C8887/29/20191/29/2019
Motor1988Nissan5 HP214207/29/20191/29/2019
Boat1997SUNTRACKER25' 0'TX-3858FDBUJ44602H6977/22/20191/22/2019
Boat2018YAMAHA11' 0'TX-8969EFYAMA1511K7187/22/20191/22/2019
Boat2007LOWE14' 0'TX-5558AMLWCJ0692D7077/22/20191/22/2019
Boat1972GULF COAST19' 0'TX-8022CH297/22/20191/22/2019
Boat1989VIP17' 7'TX-8816FLVVNDA068L8897/22/20191/22/2019
Motor1989FORCE150 HPTX-8116CZ153527/22/20191/22/2019
Boat2013SEA DOO11' 6'TX-7358CJYDV04650F3137/16/20191/16/2020
Boat1999SUN DOLPHIN8' 6'TX-3747JJHII9962EL8997/16/20191/16/2020
Boat1969RENKEN16' 0'TX-5119BVL346697/16/20191/16/2020
Boat1977J-2424' 0'TX-4442WTTSP2409409777/1/20191/1/2020
Boat2009CYPRESS CAY20' 0'TX-1712AYHAML1011H8097/1/20191/1/2020
Motor2009MERCURY90 HPTX-5953CV1B7279147/1/20191/1/2020
Boat2006YAMAHA12' 0'YAMA3557A6067/1/20191/1/2020
Boat2007YAMAHA10' 0'YAMA5801E7077/1/20191/1/2020
Boat1985KING FISHER16' 0'TX-1043DSKNG00048B5857/1/20191/1/2020
Boat1999MONTEREY26' 5'TX-6454BFRGF60427J8997/1/20191/1/2020
Boat1964PE VA32' 0'TX-4784BD1127/1/20191/1/2020
Boat1978ERICSON33' 6'TX-8156APFRY34X11M776/20/201912/20/2019
Motor1970EVINRUDE25 HPTX-7230BY25002CE061536/20/201912/20/2019
Boat1972REINELL21' 0'TX-2718YRRENV22255136/20/201912/20/2019
Boat1996BAYLINER18' 8'TX-8069FAUSJB29CWD6966/20/201912/20/2019
Boat1994SCOUT16' 2'TX-4612HESLPE1789L3946/20/201912/20/2019
Motor1993MARINER75 HPTX-9895FA0D2530436/20/201912/20/2019
Boat1995SEA RAY22' 0'TX-4957JDSERA7300J4956/20/201912/20/2019
Boat1956LONE STAR14' 0'TX-2161AC34OO74U6/13/201912/13/2019
Motor1956EVINRUDE15 HP25022-158906/13/201912/13/2019
Boat1995TRACKER MARINE24' 0'BUJ97475L4956/13/201912/13/2019
Motor1993JOHNSON120 HPJ00045046/13/201912/13/2019
Boat2005BAJA28' 9'TX-4941KEAGC64052A5056/7/201912/7/2019
Motor1970JOHNSON60 HPG022955286/7/201912/7/2019
Boat1994SEA RAY24' 0'TX-2504HDSERF3710I3946/4/201912/4/2019
Motor1994MERCURY200 HP0G8683836/4/201912/4/2019
Motor1994MERCURY200 HP0G8695986/4/201912/4/2019
Boat1979DURACRAFT24' 0'TX-6670WJDUR17806M79A6/4/201912/4/2019
Motor2003YAMAHA250 HPG022955286/4/201912/4/2019
Boat1973GLASTRON15' 0'TX-3065YPGLA01145M73D6/4/201912/4/2019
Motor1977EVINRUDE70 HPJ00123476/4/201912/4/2019
Boat2005RINKER37' 0'TX-7419KFRNK79451E5056/4/201912/4/2019
Boat2000LOWE25' 0'TX-9481JMOMCL742PL9006/4/201912/4/2019
Motor2000JOHNSON115 HPTX-1208ENG047330926/4/201912/4/2019
Boat2008TAHOE20' 6'TX-3881ATBUJC40JEE8086/4/201912/4/2019
Boat2000KENNER18' 0'TX-6812DKKENA6103D0006/4/201912/4/2019
Motor1999MERCURY125 HPTX-1992FL0T0138216/4/201912/4/2019
Boat1986INVADER18' 3'TX-6972DWMWK45446F5866/4/201912/4/2019
Boat1992TRACKER20' 6'TX-6987FVBUJ23551G1926/4/201912/4/2019
Motor2005MERCURY50 HP1B004289P6/4/201912/4/2019
Boat2014PELICAN10' 0'ZEP00843D4146/4/201912/4/2019
Motor1999MERCURY3.3 HPOG7167526/4/201912/4/2019
Boat1994RENKEN20' 1'TX-2078HDRBMDA047J3945/28/201911/28/2019
Boat1974GALAXIE17' 1'TX-7379YRGBW4010706745/28/201911/28/2019
Motor1974JOHNSON85 HPTX-7627AFJ40859915/28/201911/28/2019
Boat1984SEA NYMPH16' 4'TX-3315ZMSEAP0498M84D5/28/201911/28/2019
Motor1980EVINRUDE70 HPTX-7417FSJ00045435/28/201911/28/2019
Motor1979JOHNSON85 HPJ00054975/23/201911/23/2019
Boat1979RENKEN19' 0'TX-4529WYRBMR0622M79D5/23/201911/23/2019
Motor1979EVINRUDE140 HPTX-3390BB13205/23/201911/23/2019
Boat2003PALM BEACH22' 0'TX-4787JXSBP18607H2035/23/201911/23/2019
Motor2003YAMAHA90 HPTX-9584EU6H1L10051595/23/201911/23/2019
Boat1984GALAXIE17' 6'TX-6644DJGBWG7017M84E5/9/201911/9/2019
Motor1984EVINRUDE90 HPTX-8229BVJ04458725/9/201911/9/2019
Boat2004POLARIS10' 6'TX-1398KDPLE36545E4045/9/201911/9/2019
Boat1977INTERNATIONAL22' 6'TX-5354FXXNT2241501775/9/201911/9/2019
Motor1982EVINRUDE75 HPTX-8141CYJ00032035/9/201911/9/2019
Boat1973STARCRAFT14' 0'DEMA0093M73H5/9/201911/9/2019
Motor1950CLINTON5 HP3503215/9/201911/9/2019
Boat1973RAYCRAFT16' 0'TX-8110CKSAG1028805735/9/201911/9/2019
Motor1984EVINRUDE70 HPJ04846594/29/201910/29/2019
Boat1988MERCURY45 HPTX-7497DCOC1214464/29/201910/29/2019
Motor1997FOUR WINNS18' 0'FWNMG447A7974/29/201910/29/2019
Boat2008BLUE WAVE20' 2'TX-7116ARPWVO9153L7084/29/201910/29/2019
Boat2006SUZUKI140 HPTX-9431CT14001F6843024/29/201910/29/2019
Boat1995BOMBARDIER14' 6'TX-9913HWZZNH1815C5954/29/201910/29/2019
Boat1996POLARIS10' 0'TX-5722FAPLE28598C6964/29/201910/29/2019
Boat1950LONE STAR14' 0'TX-4599CDTXZ6455123424/29/201910/29/2019
Motor1988MERCURY80 HPTX-9206CZOB3795404/24/201910/24/2019
Boat1968RAZO BACK14' 0'TX-8536FP19112844/24/201910/24/2019
Motor1968SOVERIGN40 HPTX-9161DF8276854/24/201910/24/2019
Motor2017MERCURY90 HPTX-4144FP2B3939694/24/201910/24/2019
Boat1961Jon Boat13'8'A1S4F01744/24/201910/24/2019
Motor2011SUZUKI150 HPTX-6289DA15002F0105944/24/201910/24/2019
Boat1989BASS TRACKER17'0'TX-3050FLBUJ55116B9894/12/201910/12/2022
Boat1998BASS TENDER9'4'TX-9173AFLTT91836A8984/12/201910/12/2022
Motor1994MERCURY25 HPTX-3290DNOF2443254/12/201910/12/2022
Motor1997YAMAHA30 HPTX-5884DY6J8S1556374/2/201910/2/2019
Motor2007YAMAHA150 HPTX-2741CT6J9L10118244/2/201910/2/2019
Motor1974JOHNSON85NO RECORDJ40858463/6/20199/6/2019
Boat1972COBRA BASS BOAT16'TX-1927-CLKLE0000101173/6/20199/6/2019
Boat1994BOSTON WHALER15'TX-9836FHBWCMA497E4942/25/20198/25/2019
Boat1978KING FISHER17'TX-6271YVKNG00157M78K2/25/20198/25/2019
Boat1990FOUR WINN20TX-9555AY4WNMF015G0911/15/20197/15/2019
Boat2011TAHOE 215X21'6'TX-3679CCBUJ61014C1121/15/20197/15/2019
Boat2004ALUMACRAFT13' 11'NO RECORDACBD2080E4051/11/20197/11/2019
Boat1996REGAL CRUISER29'TX-8046JSRGMJM094G5961/3/20197/3/2019

Gator Boat Trailer Parts

General Information Parks and Wildlife Code states:

Subchapter A, Section 31.003, Parks and Wildlife Code (definitions):

Gator Boat Trailer Serial Number Replacement

(17) 'Abandoned vessel or outboard motor' means a vessel or outboard motor that has remained on private property without the consent of the owner or person in charge of the property for more than seven consecutive days.

Subchapter B-1, Chapter 31, Parks and Wildlife Code:
(a) A person may apply for a certificate of title for an abandoned vessel or outboard motor found on the person's property.
(b) The department may cancel the certificate for the abandoned vessel or outboard motor and issue a new certificate to the applicant if the applicant:
(1) executes and files a bond with the department:
(A) in the form prescribed by the department;
(B) issued by a person authorized to act as a surety business in this state;
(C) in an amount equal to 1-1/2 times the value of the abandoned vessel or outboard motor as determined by the department; and
(D) conditioned to indemnify all prior owners and lienholders and all subsequent purchasers of the abandoned vessel or outboard motor or persons who acquire a security interest in the vessel or outboard motor, and their successors in interest, against any expense, loss, or damage, including reasonable attorney's fees, resulting from:
(i) the issuance of the certificate of title for the abandoned vessel or outboard motor; or
(ii) a defect in or undisclosed security interest in the right, title, or interest of the applicant to or in the abandoned vessel or outboard motor;
(2) proves to the satisfaction of the department that:
(A) the abandoned vessel or outboard motor is not stolen;
(B) issuance of a certificate of title would not defraud the owner or a lienholder of the abandoned vessel or outboard motor;
(C) at least 30 days before the applicant applied for the certificate, the applicant contacted the applicant's local law enforcement agency through certified mail to report that the vessel or outboard motor is abandoned; and
(D) the local law enforcement agency has not taken the abandoned vessel or outboard motor into custody or informed the applicant of the agency's intent to take the abandoned vessel or outboard motor into custody; and
(3) posts notice of the certificate of title application in the manner and for a period of time designated by rule by the department.
(c) A person described by Subsection (b)(1)(D) has a right of action to recover on the bond for a breach of a condition of the bond described by Subsection (b)(1)(D). The aggregate liability of the surety to all persons may not exceed the amount of the bond.
(d) A bond filed under this section expires on the third anniversary of the date the bond became effective. The department shall return an expired bond to the person who filed the bond unless the department has been notified of a pending action to recover on the bond.
(e) On return of a bond under Subsection (d), the department shall issue a certificate of title to the person to whom the bond is returned.
(f) If an abandoned vessel or outboard motor is not claimed before the department issues a certificate of title under this section, the owner or lienholder waives all rights and interests in the abandoned vessel or outboard motor and consents to the cancellation of the certificate for the abandoned vessel or outboard motor.
(g) The applicant for the certificate of title for the abandoned vessel or outboard motor takes title free and clear of all liens and claims of ownership.
(h) In addition to the situation described by Subsection (b)(2), the commission by rule may define acceptable situations in which certificates of title may be issued after the filing of a bond under this section.
(i) This section does not apply to a vessel or outboard motor that is subject to a contract or lien under Chapter 59 or 70, Property Code.


Holsclaw Boat Trailer Serial Number