Gauss Backward Interpolation Formula C Program

Working C C++ Source code program for Gauss jordan method for finding inverse matrix /***** Gauss Jordan method for inverse matr. Understanding Dependency Injection and its Importance, A tutorial Any application is composed with many classes that collaborate each-other to perform some useful stuff. /*program for newton backward difference formula for interpolation */ #include #include #include void main(). C program for newton forward difference formula fo. C program for newton backward difference formula f. C program for lagrange's interpolation formula; c program for gauss elimination method.

The aim of this book has throughout been to display numerical methods in a systematic manner supported by computer programs of standard methods in 'C' and 'C++' and 'MATLAB' languages. The text has been thoroughly revised and the number of illustrative examples has been increased. The problems form the latest university examination papers have been added and 'Objective Type of Questions' have been updated . 'Useful Information' has also been given in an Appendix. It is hoped that the book in its revised form will serve a more useful purpose. The author thanks the fellow professors for their suggestions and patronage of the book. In particular, he is grateful to Prof.B.Basu Malik, Institute of Engg. & Tech., Kolkata; Dr. B.R Chide, Baba Ramdev College of Engg., Nagpur; Porf. (Mrs.) Mankane Dass, Guwahati Engg. College Guwahati ; Porf. Shiv Kumar Sahu, N.I.T., Raipur ; Dr. B.K. Jain, B.I.T., Mesra ; Dr. SomNath, Siliguri Institute of Technology, Siliguri; Prof. M.Dhivya College of Engg. , Guindy, Chennai; Prof. Suresh Kumar Yadav, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra ; Prof. Ashok Chhobida Patel, Hasmukh Goswami College of Engg., & Management, Ahmedabad ; Prof. Amit Chauhan, LR Institute of Engg., & Technology, Solan (H.P) and Dr. Anindita Chakraborty, Bhillai Institute of Technology, Durg (CG). Suggestions for improvement of the text, and intimation of misprints will be thankfully acknowledged. B.S GREWAL
Non linear interpolation formula
Active2 years, 2 months ago

The above gaussian eleimination algorithm works fine on NxN matrices. But I need it to work on NxM matrix. Can anyone help me to do it? I am not very good at maths. I got this code on some website and i am stuck at it.

Daniel Kutik
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Gauss Backward Interpolation Formula

3 Answers

  1. (optional) Understand this. Do some examples on paper.
  2. Don't write code for Gaussian elimination yourself. Without some care, the naive gauss pivoting is unstable. You have to scale the lines and take care of pivoting with the greatest element, a starting point is there. Note that this advice holds for most linear algebra algorithms.
  3. If you want to solve systems of equations, LU decomposition, QR decomposition (stabler than LU, but slower), Cholesky decomposition (in the case the system is symmetric) or SVD (in the case the system is not square) are almost always better choices. Gaussian elimination is best for computing determinants however.
  4. Use the algorithms from LAPACK for the problems which need Gaussian elimination (eg. solving systems, or computing determinants). Really. Don't roll your own. Since you are doing C++, you may be interested in Armadillo which takes care of a lot of things for you.
  5. If you must roll your own for pedagogical reasons, have a look first at Numerical Recipes, version 3. Version 2 can be found online for free if you're low on budget / have no access to a library.
  6. As a general advice, don't code algorithms you don't understand.
Alexandre C.Alexandre C.
45.2k7 gold badges105 silver badges182 bronze badges

You just cannot apply Gaussian elimination directly to an NxM problem. If you have more equations than unknowns, the your problem is over-determined and you have no solution, which means you need to use something like the least squares method. Say that you have A*x = b, then instead of having x = inv(A)*b (when N=M), then you have to do x = inv(A^T*A)*A^T*b.

Gauss Backward Interpolation Formula C Programming

In the case where you have less equations then unknowns, then your problem is underdetermined and you have an infinity of solutions. In that case, you either pick one at random (e.g. setting some of the unknowns to an arbitrary value), or you need to use regularization, which means trying adding some extra constraints.

Double Interpolation Formula

Jean-Marc ValinJean-Marc Valin

You can apply echelon reduction, like in this snippet

Interpolation Formula Excel

Gregor BereznickiGregor Bereznicki


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