Lao Sangam Mn Font

Active8 months ago

How to get the list of fonts on IOS 12?

Fonts2u offers a large collection of free fonts. Download free fonts for Windows and Macintosh. Help your fellow font-seekers if you think you can recognize the font. Earn some good karma by doing it:-) Answer & Help Thousands of designers (famous or not) use the image font detection system to find a font or similar free fonts from an image. Download Lao UI font free! More than 50000 fonts to download for free - offering 1000's of FREE fonts to download to help the millions of designers across the globe expressing their creativity with much more diversity. Laosangammn fonts download free at We found 0 laosangammn fonts for your available for Windows and Mac OS in TTF and OTF. has no information about ios 12.

I tried searching on Google but found no information.

3,3991 gold badge12 silver badges26 bronze badges
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closed as unclear what you're asking by matt, david, DebanjanB, Billal Begueradj, VikrantDec 26 '18 at 8:05

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 Answers

You can print them one by one:

EDITAll fonts printed here:

Family: Copperplate Font: Copperplate-Light Family: Copperplate
Font: Copperplate Family: Copperplate Font: Copperplate-Bold Family: Apple SD Gothic Neo Font: AppleSDGothicNeo-Thin Family: Apple SD Gothic Neo Font: AppleSDGothicNeo-Light Family: Apple SD Gothic Neo Font: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular Family: Apple SD Gothic Neo Font: AppleSDGothicNeo-Bold Family: Apple SD Gothic Neo
Font: AppleSDGothicNeo-SemiBold Family: Apple SD Gothic Neo Font: AppleSDGothicNeo-UltraLight Family: Apple SD Gothic Neo Font: AppleSDGothicNeo-Medium Family: Thonburi Font: Thonburi Family: Thonburi Font: Thonburi-Light Family: Thonburi Font: Thonburi-Bold Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans-Italic Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans-SemiBold Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans-UltraBold Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans-Light Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans-Bold Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans-SemiBoldItalic Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans-BoldItalic Family: Gill Sans Font: GillSans-LightItalic Family: Marker Felt Font: MarkerFelt-Thin Family: Marker Felt Font: MarkerFelt-Wide Family: Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN Font: HiraMaruProN-W4 Family: Courier New Font: CourierNewPS-ItalicMT Family: Courier New Font: CourierNewPSMT Family: Courier New Font: CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT Family: Courier New Font: CourierNewPS-BoldMT Family: Kohinoor Telugu
Font: KohinoorTelugu-Regular Family: Kohinoor Telugu Font: KohinoorTelugu-Medium Family: Kohinoor Telugu Font: KohinoorTelugu-Light Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-Heavy Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-MediumItalic Family: Avenir Next Condensed
Font: AvenirNextCondensed-Regular Family: Avenir Next Condensed
Font: AvenirNextCondensed-UltraLightItalic Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-Medium Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-HeavyItalic Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-DemiBoldItalic Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-Bold Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-DemiBold Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-BoldItalic Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-Italic Family: Avenir Next Condensed Font: AvenirNextCondensed-UltraLight Family: Tamil Sangam MN Font: TamilSangamMN Family: Tamil Sangam MN
Font: TamilSangamMN-Bold Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-UltraLightItalic Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-Medium Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-MediumItalic Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-UltraLight Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-Italic Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-Light Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-ThinItalic Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-LightItalic Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-Bold Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-Thin Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-CondensedBlack Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue Family: Helvetica Neue
Font: HelveticaNeue-CondensedBold Family: Helvetica Neue Font: HelveticaNeue-BoldItalic Family: Gurmukhi MN Font: GurmukhiMN-Bold Family: Gurmukhi MN Font: GurmukhiMN Family: Georgia Font: Georgia-BoldItalic Family: Georgia Font: Georgia-Italic Family: Georgia Font: Georgia Family: Georgia Font: Georgia-Bold Family: Times New Roman Font: TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT Family: Times New Roman Font: TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT Family: Times New Roman Font: TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT Family: Times New Roman
Font: TimesNewRomanPSMT Family: Sinhala Sangam MN Font: SinhalaSangamMN-Bold Family: Sinhala Sangam MN Font: SinhalaSangamMN Family: Arial Rounded MT Bold Font: ArialRoundedMTBold Family: Kailasa Font: Kailasa-Bold Family: Kailasa Font: Kailasa Family: Kohinoor Devanagari Font: KohinoorDevanagari-Regular Family: Kohinoor Devanagari Font: KohinoorDevanagari-Light Family: Kohinoor Devanagari Font: KohinoorDevanagari-Semibold Family: Kohinoor Bangla Font: KohinoorBangla-Regular Family: Kohinoor Bangla Font: KohinoorBangla-Semibold Family: Kohinoor Bangla Font: KohinoorBangla-Light Family: Chalkboard SE Font: ChalkboardSE-Bold Family: Chalkboard SE Font: ChalkboardSE-Light Family: Chalkboard SE Font: ChalkboardSE-Regular Family: Apple Color Emoji Font: AppleColorEmoji Family: PingFang TC Font: PingFangTC-Regular Family: PingFang TC Font: PingFangTC-Thin Family: PingFang TC
Font: PingFangTC-Medium Family: PingFang TC Font: PingFangTC-Semibold Family: PingFang TC Font: PingFangTC-Light Family: PingFang TC Font: PingFangTC-Ultralight Family: Gujarati Sangam MN Font: GujaratiSangamMN Family: Gujarati Sangam MN
Font: GujaratiSangamMN-Bold Family: Geeza Pro Font: GeezaPro-Bold Family: Geeza Pro Font: GeezaPro Family: Damascus Font: DamascusBold Family: Damascus Font: DamascusLight Family: Damascus Font: Damascus Family: Damascus Font: DamascusMedium Family: Damascus Font: DamascusSemiBold Family: Noteworthy Font: Noteworthy-Bold Family: Noteworthy Font: Noteworthy-Light Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-Oblique Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-HeavyOblique Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-Heavy Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-BlackOblique Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-BookOblique Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-Roman Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-Medium Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-Black Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-Light Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-MediumOblique Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-Book Family: Avenir Font: Avenir-LightOblique Family: Mishafi Font: DiwanMishafi Family: Academy Engraved LET Font: AcademyEngravedLetPlain Family: Futura Font: Futura-CondensedExtraBold Family: Futura Font: Futura-Medium Family: Futura Font: Futura-Bold Family: Futura Font: Futura-CondensedMedium Family: Futura Font: Futura-MediumItalic Family: Party LET Font: PartyLetPlain Family: Kannada Sangam MN
Font: KannadaSangamMN-Bold Family: Kannada Sangam MN Font: KannadaSangamMN Family: Arial Hebrew Font: ArialHebrew-Bold Family: Arial Hebrew Font: ArialHebrew-Light Family: Arial Hebrew Font: ArialHebrew Family: Farah Font: Farah Family: Arial
Font: Arial-BoldMT Family: Arial Font: Arial-BoldItalicMT Family: Arial Font: Arial-ItalicMT Family: Arial Font: ArialMT Family: Chalkduster Font: Chalkduster Family: Kefa Font: Kefa-Regular Family: Hoefler Text Font: HoeflerText-Italic Family: Hoefler Text Font: HoeflerText-Black Family: Hoefler Text Font: HoeflerText-Regular Family: Hoefler Text Font: HoeflerText-BlackItalic Family: Optima Font: Optima-ExtraBlack Family: Optima Font: Optima-BoldItalic Family: Optima Font: Optima-Italic Family: Optima Font: Optima-Regular Family: Optima
Font: Optima-Bold Family: Palatino Font: Palatino-Italic Family: Palatino Font: Palatino-Roman Family: Palatino Font: Palatino-BoldItalic Family: Palatino Font: Palatino-Bold Family: Malayalam Sangam MN Font: MalayalamSangamMN-Bold Family: Malayalam Sangam MN Font: MalayalamSangamMN Family: Al Nile Font: AlNile Family: Al Nile Font: AlNile-Bold Family: Lao Sangam MN Font: LaoSangamMN Family: Bradley Hand Font: BradleyHandITCTT-Bold Family: Hiragino Mincho ProN Font: HiraMinProN-W3 Family: Hiragino Mincho ProN Font: HiraMinProN-W6 Family: PingFang HK Font: PingFangHK-Medium Family: PingFang HK Font: PingFangHK-Thin Family: PingFang HK Font: PingFangHK-Regular Family: PingFang HK
Font: PingFangHK-Ultralight Family: PingFang HK Font: PingFangHK-Semibold Family: PingFang HK Font: PingFangHK-Light Family: Helvetica Font: Helvetica-Oblique Family: Helvetica
Font: Helvetica-BoldOblique Family: Helvetica Font: Helvetica Family: Helvetica Font: Helvetica-Light Family: Helvetica
Font: Helvetica-Bold Family: Helvetica Font: Helvetica-LightOblique Family: Courier Font: Courier-BoldOblique Family: Courier Font: Courier-Oblique Family: Courier Font: Courier Family: Courier Font: Courier-Bold Family: Cochin
Font: Cochin-Italic Family: Cochin Font: Cochin-Bold Family: Cochin Font: Cochin Family: Cochin Font: Cochin-BoldItalic Family: Trebuchet MS Font: TrebuchetMS-Bold Family: Trebuchet MS
Font: TrebuchetMS-Italic Family: Trebuchet MS Font: Trebuchet-BoldItalic Family: Trebuchet MS Font: TrebuchetMS Family: Devanagari Sangam MN Font: DevanagariSangamMN Family: Devanagari Sangam MN Font: DevanagariSangamMN-Bold Family: Oriya Sangam MN Font: OriyaSangamMN Family: Oriya Sangam MN Font: OriyaSangamMN-Bold Family: Rockwell Font: Rockwell-Italic Family: Rockwell Font: Rockwell-Regular Family: Rockwell Font: Rockwell-Bold Family: Rockwell Font: Rockwell-BoldItalic Family: Snell Roundhand Font: SnellRoundhand Family: Snell Roundhand
Font: SnellRoundhand-Bold Family: Snell Roundhand Font: SnellRoundhand-Black Family: Zapf Dingbats Font: ZapfDingbatsITC Family: Bodoni 72 Font: BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-Bold Family: Bodoni 72 Font: BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-BookIta Family: Bodoni 72 Font: BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-Book Family: Verdana Font: Verdana-Italic Family: Verdana Font: Verdana Family: Verdana Font: Verdana-Bold Family: Verdana Font: Verdana-BoldItalic Family: American Typewriter Font: AmericanTypewriter-CondensedBold Family: American Typewriter Font: AmericanTypewriter-Condensed Family: American Typewriter Font: AmericanTypewriter-CondensedLight Family: American Typewriter Font: AmericanTypewriter Family: American Typewriter Font: AmericanTypewriter-Bold Family: American Typewriter Font: AmericanTypewriter-Semibold Family: American Typewriter Font: AmericanTypewriter-Light Family: Avenir Next
Font: AvenirNext-Medium Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-DemiBoldItalic Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-DemiBold Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-HeavyItalic Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-Regular Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-Italic Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-MediumItalic Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-UltraLightItalic Family: Avenir Next
Font: AvenirNext-BoldItalic Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-Heavy Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-Bold Family: Avenir Next Font: AvenirNext-UltraLight Family: Baskerville
Font: Baskerville-SemiBoldItalic Family: Baskerville Font: Baskerville-SemiBold Family: Baskerville Font: Baskerville-BoldItalic Family: Baskerville Font: Baskerville Family: Baskerville Font: Baskerville-Bold Family: Baskerville
Font: Baskerville-Italic Family: Khmer Sangam MN Font: KhmerSangamMN Family: Didot Font: Didot-Bold Family: Didot
Font: Didot Family: Didot Font: Didot-Italic Family: Savoye LET
Font: SavoyeLetPlain Family: Bodoni Ornaments Font: BodoniOrnamentsITCTT Family: Symbol Font: Symbol Family: Charter
Font: Charter-BlackItalic Family: Charter Font: Charter-Bold Family: Charter Font: Charter-Roman Family: Charter Font: Charter-Black Family: Charter Font: Charter-BoldItalic Family: Charter Font: Charter-Italic Family: Menlo Font: Menlo-BoldItalic Family: Menlo Font: Menlo-Bold Family: Menlo
Font: Menlo-Italic Family: Menlo Font: Menlo-Regular Family: Noto Nastaliq Urdu Font: NotoNastaliqUrdu Family: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps
Font: BodoniSvtyTwoSCITCTT-Book Family: DIN Alternate Font: DINAlternate-Bold Family: Papyrus Font: Papyrus-Condensed Family: Papyrus Font: Papyrus Family: Hiragino Sans Font: HiraginoSans-W3 Family: Hiragino Sans Font: HiraginoSans-W6 Family: PingFang SC Font: PingFangSC-Medium Family: PingFang SC
Font: PingFangSC-Semibold Family: PingFang SC Font: PingFangSC-Light Family: PingFang SC Font: PingFangSC-Ultralight Family: PingFang SC Font: PingFangSC-Regular Family: PingFang SC
Font: PingFangSC-Thin Family: Myanmar Sangam MN Font: MyanmarSangamMN Family: Myanmar Sangam MN Font: MyanmarSangamMN-Bold Family: Noto Sans Chakma Font: NotoSansChakma-Regular Family: Zapfino Font: Zapfino Family: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Font: BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-BookIt Family: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Font: BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-Book Family: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Font: BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-Bold Family: Euphemia UCAS Font: EuphemiaUCAS Family: Euphemia UCAS Font: EuphemiaUCAS-Italic Family: Euphemia UCAS Font: EuphemiaUCAS-Bold Family: DIN Condensed Font: DINCondensed-Bold

1,2322 gold badges5 silver badges17 bronze badges

Font Family Name = [Copperplate]Font Names = [['Copperplate-Light', 'Copperplate', 'Copperplate-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Heiti SC]Font Names = [[]]

Font Family Name = [Apple SD Gothic Neo]Font Names = [['AppleSDGothicNeo-Thin', 'AppleSDGothicNeo-Light', 'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'AppleSDGothicNeo-Bold', 'AppleSDGothicNeo-SemiBold', 'AppleSDGothicNeo-UltraLight', 'AppleSDGothicNeo-Medium']]

Font Family Name = [Thonburi]Font Names = [['Thonburi', 'Thonburi-Light', 'Thonburi-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Gill Sans]Font Names = [['GillSans-Italic', 'GillSans-SemiBold', 'GillSans-UltraBold', 'GillSans-Light', 'GillSans-Bold', 'GillSans', 'GillSans-SemiBoldItalic', 'GillSans-BoldItalic', 'GillSans-LightItalic']]

Font Family Name = [Marker Felt]Font Names = [['MarkerFelt-Thin', 'MarkerFelt-Wide']]

Font Family Name = [Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN]Font Names = [['HiraMaruProN-W4']]

Font Family Name = [Courier New]Font Names = [['CourierNewPS-ItalicMT', 'CourierNewPSMT', 'CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT', 'CourierNewPS-BoldMT']]

Lao Sangam Mn Font Free

Font Family Name = [Kohinoor Telugu]Font Names = [['KohinoorTelugu-Regular', 'KohinoorTelugu-Medium', 'KohinoorTelugu-Light']]

Font Family Name = [Heiti TC]Font Names = [[]]

Font Family Name = [Avenir Next Condensed]Font Names = [['AvenirNextCondensed-Heavy', 'AvenirNextCondensed-MediumItalic', 'AvenirNextCondensed-Regular', 'AvenirNextCondensed-UltraLightItalic', 'AvenirNextCondensed-Medium', 'AvenirNextCondensed-HeavyItalic', 'AvenirNextCondensed-DemiBoldItalic', 'AvenirNextCondensed-Bold', 'AvenirNextCondensed-DemiBold', 'AvenirNextCondensed-BoldItalic', 'AvenirNextCondensed-Italic', 'AvenirNextCondensed-UltraLight']]

Lao sangam mn font

Font Family Name = [Tamil Sangam MN]Font Names = [['TamilSangamMN', 'TamilSangamMN-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Helvetica Neue]Font Names = [['HelveticaNeue-UltraLightItalic', 'HelveticaNeue-Medium', 'HelveticaNeue-MediumItalic', 'HelveticaNeue-UltraLight', 'HelveticaNeue-Italic', 'HelveticaNeue-Light', 'HelveticaNeue-ThinItalic', 'HelveticaNeue-LightItalic', 'HelveticaNeue-Bold', 'HelveticaNeue-Thin', 'HelveticaNeue-CondensedBlack', 'HelveticaNeue', 'HelveticaNeue-CondensedBold', 'HelveticaNeue-BoldItalic']]

Font Family Name = [Gurmukhi MN]Font Names = [['GurmukhiMN-Bold', 'GurmukhiMN']]

Font Family Name = [Georgia]Font Names = [['Georgia-BoldItalic', 'Georgia-Italic', 'Georgia', 'Georgia-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Times New Roman]Font Names = [['TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT', 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT', 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT', 'TimesNewRomanPSMT']]

Font Family Name = [Sinhala Sangam MN]Font Names = [['SinhalaSangamMN-Bold', 'SinhalaSangamMN']]

Font Family Name = [Arial Rounded MT Bold]Font Names = [['ArialRoundedMTBold']]

Font Family Name = [Kailasa]Font Names = [['Kailasa-Bold', 'Kailasa']]

Font Family Name = [Kohinoor Devanagari]Font Names = [['KohinoorDevanagari-Regular', 'KohinoorDevanagari-Light', 'KohinoorDevanagari-Semibold']]

Font Family Name = [Kohinoor Bangla]Font Names = [['KohinoorBangla-Regular', 'KohinoorBangla-Semibold', 'KohinoorBangla-Light']]

Font Family Name = [Chalkboard SE]Font Names = [['ChalkboardSE-Bold', 'ChalkboardSE-Light', 'ChalkboardSE-Regular']]

Font Family Name = [Apple Color Emoji]Font Names = [['AppleColorEmoji']]

Font Family Name = [PingFang TC]Font Names = [['PingFangTC-Regular', 'PingFangTC-Thin', 'PingFangTC-Medium', 'PingFangTC-Semibold', 'PingFangTC-Light', 'PingFangTC-Ultralight']]

Font Family Name = [Gujarati Sangam MN]Font Names = [['GujaratiSangamMN', 'GujaratiSangamMN-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Geeza Pro]Font Names = [['GeezaPro-Bold', 'GeezaPro']]

Lao Sangam Mn Font

Font Family Name = [Damascus]Font Names = [['DamascusBold', 'DamascusLight', 'Damascus', 'DamascusMedium', 'DamascusSemiBold']]

Font Family Name = [Noteworthy]Font Names = [['Noteworthy-Bold', 'Noteworthy-Light']]

Font Family Name = [Avenir]Font Names = [['Avenir-Oblique', 'Avenir-HeavyOblique', 'Avenir-Heavy', 'Avenir-BlackOblique', 'Avenir-BookOblique', 'Avenir-Roman', 'Avenir-Medium', 'Avenir-Black', 'Avenir-Light', 'Avenir-MediumOblique', 'Avenir-Book', 'Avenir-LightOblique']]

Font Family Name = [Mishafi]Font Names = [['DiwanMishafi']]

Font Family Name = [Academy Engraved LET]Font Names = [['AcademyEngravedLetPlain']]

Font Family Name = [Futura]Font Names = [['Futura-CondensedExtraBold', 'Futura-Medium', 'Futura-Bold', 'Futura-CondensedMedium', 'Futura-MediumItalic']]

Font Family Name = [Party LET]Font Names = [['PartyLetPlain']]

Font Family Name = [Kannada Sangam MN]Font Names = [['KannadaSangamMN-Bold', 'KannadaSangamMN']]

Font Family Name = [Arial Hebrew]Font Names = [['ArialHebrew-Bold', 'ArialHebrew-Light', 'ArialHebrew']]

Font Family Name = [Farah]Font Names = [['Farah']]

Font Family Name = [Arial]Font Names = [['Arial-BoldMT', 'Arial-BoldItalicMT', 'Arial-ItalicMT', 'ArialMT']]

Font Family Name = [Chalkduster]Font Names = [['Chalkduster']]

Font Family Name = [Kefa]Font Names = [['Kefa-Regular']]

Font Family Name = [Hoefler Text]Font Names = [['HoeflerText-Italic', 'HoeflerText-Black', 'HoeflerText-Regular', 'HoeflerText-BlackItalic']]

Font Family Name = [Optima]Font Names = [['Optima-ExtraBlack', 'Optima-BoldItalic', 'Optima-Italic', 'Optima-Regular', 'Optima-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Palatino]Font Names = [['Palatino-Italic', 'Palatino-Roman', 'Palatino-BoldItalic', 'Palatino-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Malayalam Sangam MN]Font Names = [['MalayalamSangamMN-Bold', 'MalayalamSangamMN']]

Font Family Name = [Al Nile]Font Names = [['AlNile', 'AlNile-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Lao Sangam MN]Font Names = [['LaoSangamMN']]

Font Family Name = [Bradley Hand]Font Names = [['BradleyHandITCTT-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Hiragino Mincho ProN]Font Names = [['HiraMinProN-W3', 'HiraMinProN-W6']]

Lao sangam mn font

Font Family Name = [PingFang HK]Font Names = [['PingFangHK-Medium', 'PingFangHK-Thin', 'PingFangHK-Regular', 'PingFangHK-Ultralight', 'PingFangHK-Semibold', 'PingFangHK-Light']]

Font Family Name = [Helvetica]Font Names = [['Helvetica-Oblique', 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', 'Helvetica', 'Helvetica-Light', 'Helvetica-Bold', 'Helvetica-LightOblique']]

Font Family Name = [Courier]Font Names = [['Courier-BoldOblique', 'Courier-Oblique', 'Courier', 'Courier-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Cochin]Font Names = [['Cochin-Italic', 'Cochin-Bold', 'Cochin', 'Cochin-BoldItalic']]

Font Family Name = [Trebuchet MS]Font Names = [['TrebuchetMS-Bold', 'TrebuchetMS-Italic', 'Trebuchet-BoldItalic', 'TrebuchetMS']]

Font Family Name = [Devanagari Sangam MN]Font Names = [['DevanagariSangamMN', 'DevanagariSangamMN-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Oriya Sangam MN]Font Names = [['OriyaSangamMN', 'OriyaSangamMN-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Rockwell]Font Names = [['Rockwell-Italic', 'Rockwell-Regular', 'Rockwell-Bold', 'Rockwell-BoldItalic']]

Font Family Name = [Snell Roundhand]Font Names = [['SnellRoundhand', 'SnellRoundhand-Bold', 'SnellRoundhand-Black']]

Font Family Name = [Zapf Dingbats]Font Names = [['ZapfDingbatsITC']]

Font Family Name = [Bodoni 72]Font Names = [['BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-Bold', 'BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-BookIta', 'BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-Book']]

Lao Sangam Mn Font

Font Family Name = [Verdana]Font Names = [['Verdana-Italic', 'Verdana', 'Verdana-Bold', 'Verdana-BoldItalic']]

Font Family Name = [American Typewriter]Font Names = [['AmericanTypewriter-CondensedBold', 'AmericanTypewriter-Condensed', 'AmericanTypewriter-CondensedLight', 'AmericanTypewriter', 'AmericanTypewriter-Bold', 'AmericanTypewriter-Semibold', 'AmericanTypewriter-Light']]

Font Family Name = [Avenir Next]Font Names = [['AvenirNext-Medium', 'AvenirNext-DemiBoldItalic', 'AvenirNext-DemiBold', 'AvenirNext-HeavyItalic', 'AvenirNext-Regular', 'AvenirNext-Italic', 'AvenirNext-MediumItalic', 'AvenirNext-UltraLightItalic', 'AvenirNext-BoldItalic', 'AvenirNext-Heavy', 'AvenirNext-Bold', 'AvenirNext-UltraLight']]

Font Family Name = [Baskerville]Font Names = [['Baskerville-SemiBoldItalic', 'Baskerville-SemiBold', 'Baskerville-BoldItalic', 'Baskerville', 'Baskerville-Bold', 'Baskerville-Italic']]

Font Family Name = [Khmer Sangam MN]Font Names = [['KhmerSangamMN']]

Font Family Name = [Didot]Font Names = [['Didot-Bold', 'Didot', 'Didot-Italic']]

Font Family Name = [Savoye LET]Font Names = [['SavoyeLetPlain']]

Font Family Name = [Bodoni Ornaments]Font Names = [['BodoniOrnamentsITCTT']]

Font Family Name = [Symbol]Font Names = [['Symbol']]

Lao Sangam Mn Font

Font Family Name = [Charter]Font Names = [['Charter-BlackItalic', 'Charter-Bold', 'Charter-Roman', 'Charter-Black', 'Charter-BoldItalic', 'Charter-Italic']]

Font Family Name = [Menlo]Font Names = [['Menlo-BoldItalic', 'Menlo-Bold', 'Menlo-Italic', 'Menlo-Regular']]

Font Family Name = [Noto Nastaliq Urdu]Font Names = [['NotoNastaliqUrdu']]

Font Family Name = [Bodoni 72 Smallcaps]Font Names = [['BodoniSvtyTwoSCITCTT-Book']]

Font Family Name = [DIN Alternate]Font Names = [['DINAlternate-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Papyrus]Font Names = [['Papyrus-Condensed', 'Papyrus']]

Font Family Name = [Hiragino Sans]Font Names = [['HiraginoSans-W3', 'HiraginoSans-W6']]

Font Family Name = [PingFang SC]Font Names = [['PingFangSC-Medium', 'PingFangSC-Semibold', 'PingFangSC-Light', 'PingFangSC-Ultralight', 'PingFangSC-Regular', 'PingFangSC-Thin']]

Font Family Name = [Zawgyi-One]Font Names = [['Zawgyi-One']]

Font Family Name = [Noto Sans Chakma]Font Names = [['NotoSansChakma-Regular']]

Font Family Name = [Myanmar Sangam MN]Font Names = [['MyanmarSangamMN', 'MyanmarSangamMN-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Zapfino]Font Names = [['Zapfino']]

Font Family Name = [Telugu Sangam MN]Font Names = [[]]

Lao Sangam Mn Free Font

Font Family Name = [Bodoni 72 Oldstyle]Font Names = [['BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-BookIt', 'BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-Book', 'BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Euphemia UCAS]Font Names = [['EuphemiaUCAS', 'EuphemiaUCAS-Italic', 'EuphemiaUCAS-Bold']]

Font Family Name = [Bangla Sangam MN]Font Names = [[]]

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