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Tyler and Chris play a fan-made hack called Super Mario Bros. This game is a mix between Super Mario World, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2, and Super Mario Bros 3. From Super Mario Bros. Jump to: navigation, search. Episodes created by members of the Super Mario Bros. Default Episodes; Pages in category 'Episodes' The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total. Super Mario Bros. X is a massive Mario fangame that blends elements from Super Mario 1, 2, 3 and World. It has many power ups, such as the Ice Flower, Hammer Suit, Tanooki Suit, Kuribo's shoe, The Billy Gun, and Yoshi.
Super Mario Bros. X is a downloadable PC Mario fangame that borrows elements from Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii among numerous other games. The game was created by Andrew 'Redigit' Spinks of Terraria fame, before he got a purported cease-and-desist letter from Nintendo and left the engine in the hands of the community. The game is most notable for its hugeLevel Editor, which allows the player to make their own levels using the numerous blocks, items, and NPCs available from the aforementioned games.
The game was first released in 2009 with the Editor and default episode “The Invasion”, which served as a showcase of the editor’s capabilities and a fully-fleshed out Mario adventure in its own right. It would continue to receive official updates from Redigit up until 1.3.0 towards the very end of 2010. At one point in 2010 The Invasion was replaced with three new default episodes: “The Invasion 2.0”, an updated version of The Invasion that showcased the vastly ramped up new features of the Editor, “The Princess Cliche”, and “The Great Empire”. Development officially ceased in 2011, though the community around the game remained active.
Super Mario Bros 3
Due to the legal circumstances explained above, we can't really provide a link to the download, but a quick Google search should do the trick.
Note: please only include tropes related to the engine itself, and the official episodes released from the old SMBX site. Games made in this engine, should they have enough unique tropes of their own, should get their own page.
Make a Good Level X has its tropes on its page.
'The Invasion 2' contains examples of:
- Action Girl: Princess Peach is playable here, and can use all the same power-ups that Mario can.
- Art Shift: The stage Retroville has entirely 8-bit styled graphics. This stays true even if you bring in a power-up that isn't otherwise available in the level.
- Ascended Extra: Three rare, yet popularPower Ups from Super Mario Bros. 3—Tanooki Suit, Hammer Suit and Kuribo's Shoe—get a lot more screen time in this fangame.
- As the Good Book Says...: Surprisingly, the default end credits sequence present in the engine contain a passage from Colossians.
- Bonus Boss: Mother Brain exists in one of the Metroid-styled 'Pwnhammer' levels.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The Yoshis and shoes.
- Difficulty Spike: The dungeons are much harder and longer than the levels.
- Disc-One Final Boss: Bowser is merely the boss of World 4, and is fought as in Super Mario Bros. However, he appears again as the Final Boss, and this time you fight him like you did in Super Mario Bros. 3.
- Distressed Damsel: Peach is playable, so Daisy takes this role. You rescue her in World 4, about halfway through the game.
- Dummied Out:
- There are a few NPCs that aren't used in the episode at all, but are still in the editor, such as the regular Propeller Block.
- There are two NPCs in the 'Lakitus are throwing Lakitus' menu that aren't available elsewhere: a blue shell-less Koopa that doesn't work with throw blocks and doesn't have an animation for emerging from a shell (the shell-kicking Koopa was added before regular SMW Koopas) and a ridable airship piece that works like a slower and less useful Clown Car.
- Checking the sprite sheet will reveal Peach and Toad had some extra animations, like the former having a unique full-speed running animation and the latter being able to slide down slopes and ride Yoshi. They cannot do either in the final game.
- Excuse Plot: Daisy explains that Bowser is recruiting other villains. Said other villains appear very sporadically, and not always on the main path.
- The Goomba: From four games!
- Guest Fighter: Guest Player: Link from The Legend of Zelda series. His sprites and moveset are cribbed from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
- Version 2.0 also includes Solid Snake, Juni, Zelda, Samus, Mega Man, and Klonoa. However, due to their unusual game mechanics they typically have to have levels made specifically for them.
- Guide Dang It!: Many of the secret exits. A lot of them require you to have a specific powerup and keep it for the whole level so you can reach the exit with it.
- Infinity -1 Sword: The Hammer Suit. Unlike in Super Mario Bros. 3, you can now throw hammers in two different arcs—high and low. Throwing them at a low trajectory is the default attack, making it easier to aim it than in its origin game. And like in Super Mario Bros. 3, it retains the same gamebreaking lethality, being able to take out virtually every enemy in the game with relative ease.
- Infinity +1 Sword: The Lakitu's Shoe, which provides unlimited flight. You need all seven Stars to access it, so that requires completing everything at least up to Dire Dire Rocks, one of the last levels in the game.
- Invincibility Power-Up: Averted. Redigit was well known for being vehemently against adding this during the game's development, since he thought it would be misused, as in Super Mario Flash's levels. Instead, the Stars act as collectibles, as in Super Mario 64.
- The aversion is averted with Super Mario Bros X 2.0, where there is a Super Star in development.
- Kaizo Trap: 'A Short Level' lives up to its name, but it's not quite as short as it first appears. If you take the SMB3-style exit like you've been using for the whole game, you merrily walk into a pit and die. You have to continue past the exit sign, leap over said pit, go down a pipe, and continue on to a SMW-style exit (read: goal post) to actually complete the level. By the way, the springboard in front of said goal post is a red herring—the goal post actually is the end, and perfectly safe to go through.
Super Mario Bros X Episodes
- No Fair Cheating: Using any of the cheat codes will disable the ability to save. Untill you type in 'redigitiscool' on the map screen, at which point you can save again.
- Non-Indicative Name: The 'Pwnhammer' levels, which are Metroid themed. One Toad even lampshades it.
- Also the dungeons, which at first somewhat appropriately evoke Doomy Dooms of Doom (the Dungeon of Pain and the Dungeon of Agony) while later being given increasingly over-the-top and silly names (the Dungeon of Strange Happenings and the Dungeon of Inappropriate Phrases), while simultaneously getting much harder.
- Nostalgia Level: There are a lot of them. Most of them are part reproduction and part new content. Of note:
- Super Easy Road and Flying Raccoon Zone both have clear references to the first stage of Super Mario Bros. 3.
- Subcon Nightmare Land is a lot like the first stage of Super Mario Bros. 2.
- Go Go Goomba has references to Super Mario Bros. 1-1.
- The Dungeon of Inappropriate Phrases has a mazelike structure similar to that of some castles in Super Mario Bros.
- One level seems self-aware of this, called Super Nostalgia World. It contains Super Mario World content.
- The Retroville level shamelessly dishes out the nostalgia with its 8-bit-styled sprites.
- Power-Up Mount:
- Yoshi, per usual. He even comes in seven different colors, each with its own unique abilities.
- The Kuribo's Shoe and its derivatives.
- The Clown Car, which is used in only one level.
- Punny Name: The Water is Not a Lie. A subversion in that in the original invasion, water physics did not yet exist, so the level was called 'The Water is a Lie'; the current name is actually based on this.
- Retraux: You'll see a lot of this. Especially in the Retroville level, mentioned above.
- Schmuck Bait: One of the cheats is 'donttypethis'. It causes bombs to rain from the sky.
- The Spiny: From two games! Interestingly, only the SMW version comes in an egg form, because SMB3 Lakitu throws green chasing Spiny eggs (the SMW Lakitu can be set to throw anything, including itself, if you look hard enough).
- Video Game Settings:
- Green Hill Zone: Mushroom Plains and Koopa Kingdom, as well as Dino Island to an extent.
- Underground Level: Subcon Underground.
- Death Mountain: Dino Island.
- Shifting Sand Land: Hurtful Hotlands.
- The Lost Woods: The Rawest Forest. One of the levels there is even called the Lost Woods (although it's an intentional reference to The Legend of Zelda).
- Palmtree Panic/Under the Sea: Wet Water Zone.
- Lethal Lava Land: The Lava Hole.
- Warp Whistle: The Star Palace acts as this, in addition to providing free power-ups, since through it you can access any world in which you've found the Star Warp.