Unknown Network Error While Downloading Skype

  1. Unknown Network Error Blackberry
  2. Unknown Network Error Has Occurred
  3. Failed Network Error When Downloading

Download Skype for your computer, mobile, or tablet to stay in touch with family and friends from anywhere. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. How To Fix Webcam Problems. ICQ, Skype, AIM and a few more! If so, as an unknown device or is it recognized as a webcam? One thing you can try is to power down the laptop, remove the battery, wait a few minutes and then put the battery back and reboot. That can often help fix certain USB issues (the webcam is.

I've been hackin' around the Skype API, tinkering mostly, but thinking about some dev stuff.

Found a section explaining what pretty much every error message means that you could possibly encounter.

I've chosen 15 of the most common Skype user gotchas. Here they are, by number error name, and my explanation.

5- Search CALLS: invalid target. You used a non-permitted character, such as a number (i.e., tic-tac-toe sign).

9- Unknown user. That one is pretty obvious.

22- Cannot hold this call at the moment. Trying to place a call on hold when the call is not actually taking place. Stay away from the funny stuff, bud.

23-Cannot resume this call at the moment. Like duh. You can't resume a call if there is no call underway.

24- Cannot hangup interactive call. Sense a pattern here?

35- Not connected. Useful if you think you are talking to someone over Skype, but you actually are not connected to them. Gotta tell ya, has happened to me more than once. U-too?

36- Not online. If you have your Skype UI up, but then your Internet access goes down, well you get the picture.

39- user blocked. It could be that the person you are calling has caller ID that only lets known numbers through. Before I got SkypeIn, this was a problem, because the source phone number showed as a European, multi-digit code that caller I.D systems are probably not gonna git.

66- Not connected. In this case, means that you are logged out of Skype.

91- Call error. This is given if you cannot reach an emergency number. Interesting to see if the FCC E911 ruling will apply here. What's the frequency, Kevin? (Martin, FCC chair)

92- Call error. You'll get this if you try to call a non-valid traditional phone number.

94- Call error. You'll get this if you try to call yourself. Why would anyone want to call themself when it is so easy to just talk to yourself offline? Take it from someone who knows :-)

105- Invalid chat name. This happens if you try to start a Skype IM chat without indicating the name of the chat participant.

500- CHAT: Invalid chat name given. Phoo on you for starting a Skype chat by typing in 'sax kitten,' if ya know what I mean.

and finally (grrrr)

9901-Internal error. Skype's way of saying it's their fault, not yours.

Unknown network error blackberry

They've admitted it. Cherish the moment.

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CXO Security Innovation Smart Cities
Active2 years, 4 months ago

I am learning development of Android Apps and trying to download Android studio which is 824MB from http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html?pkg=studio in Chrome and I am leading to the Unknown network error at the end of download. when I see download manager in chrome, notice the following entry

android-studio-bundle-135.1641136.exeUnknown network error.https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/install/1.0.1/android-studio-bundle-135.1641136.exe

I tried couple of times , but no luck in downloading successfully.

Unknown Network Error Blackberry

Please show me pointers on this.

Thanks in Advance.

4,7317 gold badges38 silver badges68 bronze badges

4 Answers

This is a known bug in Chrome see https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=66339 orhttps://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=78241

Note that the workaround is to use IE or Firefox to download the file.

Martin Belcher - EigoMartin Belcher - Eigo
3,7962 gold badges26 silver badges39 bronze badges

i also faced the same problem.. then downloaded using IE.


I had same problem with Android Studio v2 when trying to download from the main site eg: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html from Ubuntu using Chrome or Firefox.

Unknown Network Error Has Occurred

What worked for me (Ubuntu, both Chrome and Firefox) was to go to the builds site: http://tools.android.com/download/studio/builds and pick the build you are after or for V2 Stable, you can go straight here:http://tools.android.com/download/studio/builds/2-0

Astra BearAstra Bear
1,9431 gold badge12 silver badges21 bronze badges

Upon file completed download, Chrome will try to rename temp download file to proper file name. This is where it fails. So Just rename the downloaded file extension to '.exe' and run it. I installed it successfully.

Gary LAUGary LAU

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